Why people get divorced?

Contrary to common perception the top reason for marriage breakdown is not infidelity but communication problems. Amongst the other reasons are as follows:

1.Marrying for the wrong reasons

If the core reason for marrying the person is based on something superficial like for example money, you will likely find serious problems later in the marriage after the honeymoon phase, when you face the reality of dealing with the annoying habits of that person.

2.Lost in being a parent

You were a spouse first before you became a parent, many times parents grow apart because they forget the need of their spouse because they were lost in being a parent.

3. Not have a common vision of success

From finances to responsibilities, if you both cannot agree on the destination and this happens often, you will fight over the steering wheel and ultimately crash the car.

4.Expectations not being fulfilled

It is ok to request your spouse to make changes for you if you are unhappy but if they do not, you have to understand they are not responsible for your happiness, you are.

5. Finance mismanagement

Being poor is not often the reason why couples get divorced when it comes to finances but rather their approach to finances. So imagine if one is a saver and the other likes to spend extravagantly this relationship is heading for problems.

6. Difference in priorities and interests

To have shared interests and exploring them together is very important for a happy marriage. This will help you to grow together instead of further apart. However, whilst at the same time not neglecting time for yourself.

7. Not being able to solve conflicts

It is normal to have disagreements from time to time but you should be able to resolve them between yourselves and if required with external help from qualified people. What is important is when you have those disagreements conducting yourself in a manner where you are respecting and listening to the other.

So if you are tired of the arguments in your marriage, book a call now to see how you can reduce conflict in your marriage.

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