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How to reduce conflict and connect more with your wife even without talking.
The new way of reducing conflict in your relationship without constant power struggles.
How to reduce conflict in your relationship even if you feel you have poor conflict resolution skills.
Abu Silah is the founder of Muslim Home and the instructor at Hate Conflict Love Connection. He has studied with leading experts in the field of Relationships and is passionate about helping Muslim men build stronger family units. Abu Silah is a trained relationship coach and Certified Muslim Coach.
Abu Silah is a dedicated Muslim life coach whose approach is to help Muslim men navigate and overcome the complexities of their personal lives. In today’s Muslim family, there is conflict between husband and wife on various issues, which prevents them from focusing on the future and also creates many obstacles in raising children. Abu Silah provides coaching to help men navigate their problems and increase family happiness. Abu Sila’s main objective is to establish peace among Muslim families and improve their personal lives.
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