Did you know that forgiveness is an act of worship?
Do that which prevents you acting on your anger and ask yourself am I focused on the pixels here and what is the bigger picture?
In marriage you must see the bigger picture. For example, something which does not have negative consequences to it and is small in the scheme of things, try not to focus on that. For example, like if you go to work and your wife is looking after the children at home, the home is not as tidy as you like but your wife has taken care of the children well, they are all happy and she is tired, then do not focus on the tidiness and complain or even better help to tidy the home.
It’s not about being naive, on a separate note if there is no pattern, then forgive and try to forget (do not let what happened allow your future actions be based on the past actions of your spouse).
Interpreting events wrongly can also lead to doing oppression.
We all get angry from time to time, but where this becomes a regular occurrence, this becomes a problem or beyond the limits like violence this needs urgent attention. After our initial outburst, anger creates a negative environment filled with tension and anxiety for a long time. Anger is like an acid, it will breakdown the love and affection in your family and their respect for you. Do you want a home environment where people feel they have to ‘step on egg shells’ be overly sensitive around you?
The flower the seed of anger sows is a family with mental health and wellbeing issues. If the reason for your anger is not your spouse but someone else, then don’t direct at the one who has not done anything wrong for a start and address the underlying reason. The reason for the anger is often temporary but you are trading in what you may feel to be ‘short term relief’ for long term loss.
Finally remember forgiveness frees you and resentment and holding a grudge is the like the only poison in the world that harms you much more, instead of the other person.