Dealing with challenging relatives:

The first thing we need to understand this life is a test, and from these tests is people and is can likely be in your family near or extended. Even when this a means to remove our sins it is an opportunity to turn back to and get near to Allah. In this circumstance Allah wants to see sabr from us: including continue to do the correct actions and refrain from bad actions and in the opposite if we are good position with our families then what Allah wants to see is shukr.

What the customs and habits are in relation to what maintains relations with a relative is dictated by this and the need of the relative and the closeness in relation (as long as it is not against the rules of Islam) so things like how often to visit them, helping them financially, etc. This could be met through any of these methods, and if maintaining them, for example, is causing problems, then you could use any of these alternative ways.

For example, if visiting them is causing problems through arguments, then you could consider reducing the frequency or instead help them with a need. It’s not restricted to visiting, there are multiple ways including means of communication like video calling.

When you face no engagement from the other revert back to what are the general standards you need to meet and remember the intention behind why you doing it. Over time they will likely warm to you.

If the other person wants to push you away, you can inform them that you are available and revert to the other means.

Remember you will be treated as you have treated others.

Finally, if you try to correct your relationship between you and Allah, then Allah will correct your relationship with the people.

Sometimes a third person can facilitate your relationship with a problematic person.

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