Intention and Bismillah:

When starting an action or trying to make a change, it is important to have the right intention, and the right intention is to attain the pleasure of Allah. The prophet, peace be upon him, said, “Indeed, actions are judged by intention.” So you will be rewarded based on your intention, and the mercy of Allah is so vast and has no limits. A person may not know what that reward is, but he still attains it, like the woman who was forgiven for her sins by giving a thirsty dog water.

Another point on the same theme is that if we had the intention of performing a good action but were not able to carry it out, we would still get the reward as if we had carried it out, and if we carried out the deed, we would get multiple times the reward for carrying it out. To add to this, if you had a bad intention but did not carry it out, you do not get any sin, and if you carry it out, you will only get the bad deed; it is not multiplied.

Therefore, form big intentions and you will get rewarded as if you carried out those actions regardless of whether you successfully carried it out.

It is important here to note if the action was done for other than Allah than you may attain the worldly benefit of the action but what is more lasting the hereafter there will be nothing to benefit from there.

One last tip we should try to be intentional before doing actions so that way we can remember why we are doing them and also hoping for reward from the most merciful and those that have good expectation from Allah, he will be with them as they view him.

There is a huge connection between the decisions you make and how your destiny play out, this highlights the importance of trying to say bismillah before we do an action because by doing this we want the help of Allah and to put barakah in our actions.

Finally, the purpose of this blog is to reinforce my learning as a relationship coach and to serve as a reminder to myself before anyone else where applicable or relevant.

This may be stating the obvious, but I would like to make this clear from the first blog post: my learnings are based on Islamic values and for Muslim audiences who aspire to create harmony in their family life and thus peace in their home life based on an Islamic value framework. Non-Muslim brothers and sisters are welcome to benefit from this blog if they wish. The content is catered specifically towards men who want to lead and take leadership roles in their families, it is also general in nature, so it is on the reader to decide if and how it applies to a specific situation. If there is any confusion, please seek out your local Islamic scholar or specialist in the relevant area.

Finally, as this for a global audience the rules of the country where the reader would be residing should be followed.

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